Join us this Saturday, at 10am for a "Kindle Workshop" ------ learn how to
e-books through the library and our membership in the Green Mountain Library
Rumor has it that many people received Kindles for gifts ----- so what's "on
the shelf"
in our virtual library may be limited at the moment and you may have to get
on the waiting list.

The Cartooning Workshop has (finally) been rescheduled!
Saturday, January 28, 12 - 2 pm, for ages 8 and up.
Please e-mail or call the library to sign up.

LUV audiobooks and DVD's are due back next week, so I can exchange them
for new collections. 
A note about DVD's (and CD's): please, please, please be careful with
them .......
and handle them for children.
Unfortunately, some of our DVD's are coming back damaged,
cracked ......... and useless to others. 

Regular children's programming this Thursday and Friday.

We are delighted to be the recipient of gift subscriptions to "The New York
Review of Books"
 and "Budget Travel".