Friday, 10 am: STORYTIME!
If (for some icy reason) school is delayed for 2 hours, Storytime will be cancelled.

Some new arrivals: fiction: "I Always Loved You" - Robin Olivera, " The Museum of Extraordinary Things" - Alice Hoffman, " An Officer and a Spy" - Robert Harris, " Killer" - Jonathan Kellerman, "Winter People" - Jennifer McMahon ( a "spooky mystery", set in Vermont; non-fiction: "The Sixth Extinction" - Elizabeth Kolbert, "Out of the Woods: A Memoir of Wayfinding" - Lynn Darling (set partly in VT); audiobooks: " Still Life With Breadcrumbs" - Anna Quindlen, " Ripper" - Isabel Allende"  and ' lake Wobegon Family Reunion".