Browsing Archive: June, 2015

Trustee Meeting Date Changes

Posted by Morrill Memorial & Harris Library on Friday, June 12, 2015,
The July 13, 2015 meeting of the trustees has been cancelled. The August 10, 2015 meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, August 18, 2015. The August meeting agenda will include revisions to the bylaws.

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Proposed revision to trustees' bylaws

Posted by Morrill Memorial & Harris Library on Thursday, June 11, 2015,
At their June meeting, the library trustees voted to make several changes to their bylaws. 
Below are the proposed revised bylaws with the proposed revisions in bold. The trustees invite public comment in advance of the August 18 meeting, at which they will vote on adopting them. 

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library

Board of Trustees Bylaw  

Article 1: Duties of the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees (herein called “the Board”) as a body:

            1. Will select a librarian and ...

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Minutes for Trustees' June Meeting

Posted by Morrill Memorial & Harris Library on Thursday, June 11, 2015,

Minutes for June 8, 2015

Present: Cindy Binzen, Rachel Kurland, Miriam Newman, Carol Wilson, Cindy Stableford (for the Friends), Curt Albee, Marty Frank, Rebecca Seibel, Besty Ruml (for the Library Investment Committee).

Library Investment Committee: By way of explaining proposed changes to the committee’s rules of operation, Betsy said that investment decisions had for many years been made with the guidance of the Plunketts, particularly Kevin. In anticipation of Kevin’s inevitab...

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June 8, 2015 Trustee Meeting Agenda

Posted by Morrill Memorial & Harris Library on Thursday, June 4, 2015,

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Board of Trustees Meeting 

Monday, June 8, 2015, 7:00 PM


Any items to add or remove?

Kerry Claffey

* MM&HL taxes

Betsy Rummell and John Hawkins

* Endowment

Secretary's Report

* Review and approve minutes from the May meeting

Librarian's Report

* New scanner

* Story time and after school program updates and summer plans

* Water testing

* Workshop on June 19

Friends' Report

* Little Library

* July 4th Book Sale

Treasurer's Repo...

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Trustees of the Morrill Memorial & Harris Library

The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the library.

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