Minutes for the August 12, 2019

Morrill Library Trustees Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:00pm at the Library.  Present were Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Curt Albee, Rachel Kurland, and Carol Wilson.  Also, Melissa Strayton (Librarian) arrived at 7:20pm from Fire Truck Night on the Green, Kerry Claffey (Bookkeeper), and David Webb (for the Friends), who left at 7:30pm.

Minutes from the July meeting were approved.

Friends Report:  The Friends are purchasing tables so we will no longer need to borrow tables from the Church for the book sale.  They are looking into purchasing a large tent, either new or used, to replace the large tent loaned by Curt.  Monies earned from the sale of books online helps with these purchases.  David stated that the book sale was the “best ever” both in sales and in the quality of books donated.

We are waiting for UPS to have a truck available to pick up the leftover books, which are currently boxed and stacked for Better World Books in the white tent in front of the library.  

Librarian’s Report:  The Turrell Grant application has been submitted and received.  We will know their decision by mid-November.  

We have a candidate for the position of children’s program coordinator.  Cindy and Melissa have scheduled an interview for Tuesday, 8/13.

The summer program, which ends next week, has been well attended.  There were 22 children at the special event with Michael Caduto, which was funded by a gift in honor of Kay Campbell and earmarked for children's services.

Book ordering is ongoing, with 60 new children’s books being processed, and new audio books and adult books arriving next week.

Melissa received a comprehensive report from Kanopy of uses and views by our patrons.  She suggested that we survey those who use the service for feedback.

Melissa is planning a volunteer training for the near future.  She is also hoping to have a guest speaker this Fall, possibly Paul Searls, professor from Northern Vermont University and author of “Repeopling Vermont.”

New Circulation Computer:  David reported that WinCycle has closed down so is no longer an option for a refurbished computer.  He has another source and success with reconditioned Chrome Books at an affordable price.  He will bring one to see if it will work for the library.

Treasurer’s Report:  Kerry distributed the latest profit and loss statement.  The bill for the April flood cleanup has been paid, and a donation from Norma Fink will go toward the new septic system.  All other items of our operating budget are on track.

Rachel reported on a proposed new insurance policy coverage through The Richards Group.  Kerry got an estimate from the Odell Agency, and Rachel, Miriam and Kerry will meet with their agent.

Kerry is finishing our 990 tax form.

Miscellaneous:  Curt reported that Brent Cadwell will begin excavation for the new septic system this week.  Tom Root will do the electrical work.  Shawn Harlow will do plumbing.

Ed Eastman is cleaning regularly, and will clean the rugs after the septic work is finished.

Lawn care is looking great.

Port-a-Potty is being maintained weekly.

Meeting ended at 8:25pm

Next meeting:  Monday, September 9, 2019, 7:00pm

Submitted by Carol Wilson