The meeting convened at the library at 7:00pm on September 19, 2022. Present were Cindy
Binzen, Rachel Kurland, Miriam Newman, Curt Albee, Carol Wilson, Melissa Strayton
Minutes of the August meeting were accepted.
Librarian’s Report: Melissa was happy to report that at long last our Unique Entity Identifier
(UEI) has been assigned to the library and now we are able to qualify for grants, etc. through the
federal government.
Books for the collections have been purchased at a discount through Yankee Bookshop, as Baker
& Taylor is still having challenges. Anni Praetorius is covering them.
Bookplates for new babies are ready.
Melissa is working on a questionnaire and promotional materials. She also reported that the
Vermont Department of Libraries is building its own collection of eBooks to lend. Patrons are
actively using Overdrive and Kanopy. 47 children and adults attended the children’s Summer
Program. 20 children signed up for the reading challenges with 2 completing fully. The summer
preschool story hour was very popular. Sarah would like to offer an afterschool program at the
library on Mondays. Melissa will be looking into the level of interest at school. Space limitations
at the library indoors will be a factor, with participation on alternating weeks a possibility.
The Girl scouts have asked to create a pollinator garden and “bee house” near the library.
A welcome to Strafford and get to know the library event is scheduled for Saturday morning,
October 15 th from 9:00am – noon. Melissa will get the word out.
Treasurer’s Report: Rachel reported that our finances are on track. She has signed the fuel oil
contract. The bequest has been moved into a Money Market account to preserve the principal.
Other Business: The Trustees voted to work with Geoff Hansen on website improvement. The
basement leak no longer seems to be a problem. The outside tent will be taken down. Rocky
repaired the door. Smoke detectors have been cleaned. Rachel would like to take one of the
paintings to a restorer to get an idea of cleaning costs. Cindy will send out personnel committee
report to Trustees. It was voted to change our mask policy: Masks are optional, but still
encouraged and very much appreciated.
There will be an Open House at the Library on Saturday, October 15, 2022, from 9:00am-noon
as a welcome to all in the community, especially those new to town.
Next Meeting: October 17, 2022* 7:00pm at the Library
*Correction: As of the writing of these minutes, the next meeting date has been changed to
October 3, 2022.
Respectfully submitted by Carol Wilson