Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Monday, November 10, 2014
7:00 PM




Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report
* Review and approve minutes from the October meeting

Librarian's Report
* Upcoming programs
* After school program update
* Storytime update
* Appeals letter donations
* Book drop
* Workstation
* Vacation time

Friends' Report
* Holiday Sale
* Window shades installed

Treasurer's Report
* Review Profit and Loss statement
* $1,000 bequest to endowment
* Report on the endowment and the Library Investment Committee

* Town budget request

* Insurance coverage

 Other Business

* Solar credit purchase agreement
* Snow removal proposal
* Reorganization of the basement

* Building and Grounds - gutter cleaning, masonry work, weatherization

* Policies


December Monthly Duty
* Begin work on 2015 budget