February 12 Trustees Meeting Agenda

February 8, 2024

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting


Monday, February 12, 2024, 7:00 PM


Assign a secretary to take notes

Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Approve minutes from January meeting


David Lutz – energy prpposal


Librarian's Report

Ordering for collection - monthly, postings

AS program, new hire – job description, winter session? pay? hours? preschool story time?

New thermostat

Library brochure

Palace, Libby, Hoopla, Kanopy 


Friends' Report


Treasurer's Report 

Review profit and loss statement


Other Business

Follow-up from special meeting and Anni’s visit



Patron survey

Website improvement 

Adult program ideas  - Corey Cook date?, eclipse program

Screen door repair

2023 Baby books


February Monthly Duties

Annual fiscal report to Probate Court - Rachel

Select board appointment for Carol

Change smoke detector batteries and blow out dust 


March Monthly Duties

Election of officers

Determine and include in the minutes date, time and location of meetings

Include in the minutes ”exclusion of officers of the inc. from protection under State of VT Workers Compensation Act” 

Policy review - annual


Next meeting

Monday, March 11, 2024


January 9 Investment Committee Minutes

January 18, 2024

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Investment Committee

Minutes of January 9, 2024 Meeting


Present:  Cindy Stableford, Betsy Ruml, Gretchen Rittenhouse, John Hawkins, Rachel Kurland, Rebecca Seibel


Approved minutes of the 5/23/23 meeting.


Mike Hemingway from Mascoma Wealth Management reviewed the portfolio results and position:

·      Good bounce back from 2022 with about 14% total return for the year.  Since inception, beating the benchmark by 20 basis point, however, this year 1.5% below be...

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January Trustees Meeting Minutes

January 11, 2024


The meeting convened at 7:10 p.m. in the library. Present were Cindy Binzen,  Miriam Newman, Melissa Strayton  (librarian), Carol Wilson, Becky Proulx, Kevin Lynch.

Secretary’s Report:  Carol moved to approve Dec-2023 meeting minutes, Becky seconded, all approved. Kevin will track down status of Dept. of Libraries 2023 Capital Grants.

Friends Report: Not present.

Librarian’s Report:   

After school program -  Regarding the opening to lead the afte...

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Dec.11, 2023 Trustee Meeting Minutes

December 30, 2023



The meeting convened at 7:10 p.m. in the library. Present were Cindy Binzen, Melissa Strayton  (librarian), Rachel Kurland, Carol Wilson, Becky Proulx, Kevin Lynch.


Secretary’s Report:  Approve minutes from November meeting.  Cindy moved, Carol seconded, all approved with the proviso that Cindy change erroneous next meeting date to 11-Dec-23.


Friends Report: Holiday Sale check for $2600 //is this amount correct?//YES


Librarian’s Report:   


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December Meeting Agenda

December 7, 2023

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting


Monday, December 11, 2023, 7:00 PM


Assign a secretary to take notes

Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Approve minutes from November meeting


Librarian's Report

Ordering for collection - monthly, postings

AS program, Sara last day 12/18

New hire – job description, winter session? pay? hours? add preschool story time?

Palace, Libby, Hoopla, Kanopy 

Key returns


Friends' Report

Holiday Sale report


Treasurer's Report 

Vote on Cindy Sta...

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Nov. 13 Meeting Minutes

November 28, 2023



The meeting convened at 7 p.m. in the library. Present were Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Melissa Strayton  (librarian), Rachel Kurland, Carol Wilson, Rebecca Proulx, Kevin Lynch and Martin Frank (Strafford citizen).


Martin Frank Retirement:  Many encomiums and voluble plaudits were offered to Marty Frank for his long, productive service as a Morrill Trustee.  Marty has our deepest appreciation for all the work he did!  We hope to see him regularly ...

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November 13 Meeting Agenda

November 9, 2023

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting


Monday, November 13, 2023, 7:00 PM


Assign a secretary to take notes

Any items to add or remove?


Thank you for Marty Frank


7:15 Cindy Stableford, Investment Committee


Secretary's Report

Approve minutes from October meeting

Rachel and I vote and sign letter for Miriam to be a Morrill Trustee


Librarian's Report

Ordering for collection - monthly, postings

After school program, Sara leaving, new person?

Artistree event, preschool storytime


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Minutes for the October 11, 2023 Trustees Meeting

October 16, 2023

Minutes of the Oct. 11 Trustees Meeting

The meeting convened at 7 p.m. at the library. 

Attending were Cindy Binzen, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Rachel Kurland, Kevin Lynch, Becky Proulx and Miriam Newman.

Friends Report:  None.

Librarian's Report:  Melissa has received and processed the latest book orders. The Newton School

bus schedule has changed and the bus is not dropping children at the library for the afterschool program

until after 3:30. The program currently ends at 4:30. Sarah has offer...

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October Trustees Meeting Date Change and Agenda

October 8, 2023

Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting


**** Please note date change****


Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 7:00 PM


Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Approve minutes from September meeting


Librarian's Report

Ordering for collection - monthly, postings

After school program, Sara leaving

Palace and Libby 

Artistree event

Turrell report



Friends' Report

Annual meeting October 16, 6:30, Matt HH program 7:00


Treasurer's Report 

Review profit and loss statement

Insurance form


Other B...

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Minutes for Sept. 13 Trustees Meeting

September 19, 2023

Minutes of the Sept. 13, 2023 Trustees Meeting

The meeting began at 7 p.m. in the library.

Present: Cindy Binzen, Miriam Newman, Marty Frank, Kevin Lynch, Carol Wilson, Melissa Strayton (librarian), Diane White (for the Friends), Becky Proulx (observer)

Minutes from the August trustees meeting were accepted.

Friends Report: Diane said the Friends are hoping to hold their annual meeting in conjunction with the book talk by Matt Hongoltz-Hetling, with the meeting preceding the book discussion. The ...

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Trustees of the Morrill Memorial & Harris Library

The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the library.

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