Morrill Memorial and Harris Library Trustees Meeting


**** Please note date change****


Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 7:00 PM


Any items to add or remove?


Secretary's Report

Approve minutes from August meeting


Librarian's Report

Ordering for collection - monthly, postings

Summer program wrap up

After school program

Palace and Libby 




Friends' Report

Matt HH program date?


Treasurer's Report 

Review profit and loss statement


Other Business

New board member

Planning retreat

Patron questionnaire

Website improvement 

Preschool story time

Adult program ideas – Laura Ogden, Cory Cook, Hospice, Herbert Goertz 

Paint by exit sign, screen door repair, picnic table removal, rug replacement, bins 

Slate roof

Annual performance review for Melissa – September 18


October Monthly Duties

Prepare annual appeals letter

Officers and directors insurance renewal

Line up snow removal


Next meeting

Monday, October 9, 2023. Reschedule due to Indigenous Peoples Day